Cinétose is an immersive robotics performance which’s title refers to motion sickness.
This hybrid creation presents itself as a large scale electromechanic installation that comprise steel sheets that are used both as sound instruments and scenic apparatus. Attached to a mobile grid over the audience, the large steel plates perform a series of movements while descending towards the public. With Cinétose, Projet EVA immerses the audience into a unique somatic experience where the robotic choreography gradually generate an impairment of spatial representation.
Sound and Robotics
Simon Laroche
Etienne Grenier
Stéphane Barbeau
Benjamin Cerigo
Mechanical Consultant
Shawn Laptiste
Original Idea
David Lemieux
Simon Laroche
Etienne Grenier
Photo and Video Documentation
Nicolas Pfeiffer
Projet EVA
Scéno Plus