Popmolle is an immersive, sensory performance combining contemporary dance and the digital arts into a singular form. Three performers share the stage with three large robots that act as both scenographic and choreographic objects. An immersive sound and light environment is deployed on stage and beyond using laser and video projections. Whether using body movements, algorithmic processes, physical structures on stage or direct control of interactive parameters, performers from different disciplines experiment in deforming each other.
Popmolle is a unique work that invites the public to dive into temporary, fragmented environments, sometimes lyrical and immersive, sometimes crude, absurd or offbeat, offering an exploration of the expressive possibilities of softness (“molesse”, in French) and elasticity through movement, image and sound. In search of moments of stabilization in a network of elusive and dynamic elements, this interdisciplinary collective sees machinic, human and incandescent bodies intermingle and deform each other to perform a contemporary “ballet mécanique”, and puts into perspective relationships between human and non-human actants.
About the collective
Popmolle is a creation laboratory made up of five Montreal artists (Liliane Moussa, Simon Laroche, Marine Rixhon, Danny Perreault, Anne-Flore de Rochambeau). Since 2015, the collective has been working to produce performances combining dance, digital arts and robotics. Conceived as an adaptive and non-hierarchical space for exploration, the laboratory invites mutual contamination, interdependence and the valorization of each disciplinary language. The artists push back the boundaries of their respective practices to promote the hybridization of forms and the decompartmentalization of artistic creation.
Creation: Liliane Moussa, Simon Laroche, Marine Rixhon, Danny Perreault, Anne Flore de Rochambeau
Performers: Liliane Moussa, Marine Rixhon, Alexia Martel, Simon Laroche, Danny Perreault
Choreography: Liliane Moussa, Marine Rixhon, Anne-Flore de Rochambeau
Robotic scenography and sound composition: Simon Laroche
Light, video and laser: Danny Perreault
Lighting technician: Bastian Pena Miranda
Advisor: Jessica Serli
Rehearsals: Sarah Williams
Costumes: Fany McCrae
Light consultant: Paul Chambers
Mechanical design consultant: Yves Antoine Crête
Lighting assistant: Lora Boisvert
Photos: David Wong, Vanessa Fortin
Production residencies and support: Agora de la danse, CCOV, Maison de la culture Mercier, LAVI (Laboratoire Arts Vivants et Interdisciplinarité), Circuit-Est, Perte de signal, Espace Cercle-Carré, Département de danse de l’UQAM, Université Concordia, Projet EVA