May 12, 2024 9:36 pm Comments Off on AliensOngoing. Choreographic research project with Liliane Moussa and École de Technologie Supérieure.
Ongoing. Choreographic research project with Liliane Moussa and École de Technologie Supérieure.
Ongoing. Research residency on Artificial Intelligence at Sporobole art center.
2024. Sound and kinetic installation.
2023. Dance, robotics and digital art.
2017. Kinetic and sound installation.
2014. Food and robotics interactive installation.
2016. Participatory multimedia performance.
Ongoing Fashion Design collaboration since 2005.
2022. Interactive installation.
2017. Public art project on smartphones.
2015. Installation as a counter-proposition to a conservative monument
2008, 2011. Augmented reality and body art performance.
2011. Large-scale robotics performance.
2014. Augmented reality installation for a critical exploration of the social and economic history of Montréal’s Quartier des spectacles.
2010. Interactive video installation for transit spaces.
2004. Sound and robotic performance which captures its audience.
2006-2012. Robotic, music and visual performance.
2008-2010. Sound, visual and robotics performances.
2006. Video, robotic and body art performance.
2009. Body art, video and audio performance.
2008. Theatre play for a human and three robots.
2008. Interactive video installation.
2004. Interactive video and robotics installation.
2003. Robotics, body art and video performance.
2003. Robotics, audio-visual and body art performance.